Libro stampato in Bianco e Nero, 48 pagine, illustrato e scritto da Sabrina Gennari. Autoproduzione
"Herbarium" is my first book, and was born from the desire to create something of mine that belonged to me, and at the
same time could give something to those who read it. This is why I chose to plant wild herbs, a subject that I love.
The herbs that I have chosen are some of the most common that infest lawns and gardens, of which we often know the
names, because we use them in the form of tea or herbal teas, or natural cures, but we do not associate with that plant
that we may insistently seek weed out from our garden. This little booklet wants to be a way to encourage you to learn
more about your garden and your territory. It wants to intrigue who reads the thousand properties and curiosities that
every herb brings with it, for millennia, but that slowly go to be forgotten because of our hectic life of every day.
If, after having had the Herbarium in your hands, the curiosity towards the world of spontaneous herbs will be born, I
will have reached my goal! Inside the book you will find: the plant' s illustrations, the healing properties, the
traditional-magical uses and simple recipes to appreciate them in the kitchen too!
photo credit: Mattia Barbotti
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